This chat took place Monday 27th October 1997.
Log file opened at: 27/10/97 8:06:48 PM
Topic for #Deborah: Welcome to the Deborah Conway Chat
soozie: hi
lhucekb: hi soozie, having connection troubles?
Pooh_bear: great to c u online soozie
soozie: hi honey….good to see another founding member of
the Boonah Chapter of the deborah conway fan club online
Pooh_bear: petty sister mary can’t be with us
Bryan: All rise.
soozie: poor sister mary she must be still hanging from
that harness in the tree
Markimus: hi people
Pooh_bear: with grade 9 boys!!
soozie: ha markimus
Bryan: Hi mark
Markimus: we are about to start here π
Bryan: Hi Euan
etroup: G’day soprts fans
lhucekb: hi Markimus, Bryan, etroup…how goes?
Deborah has joined channel
lhucekb: bows to Australia’s greatest music maker
Deborah has set the topic on channel
#Deborah to Buy the album you bastards
soozie: i have
Bryan has bought three copies…
Deborah: thankyou for that
etroup: I’ve ordered it, takes awhile to get to the
Outback, you know
lhucekb: me too…its great…
Bryan: etroup: guess I should come up there more often…
Deborah: where are you in the
etroup: Parkes, NSW
ronny: it takes even longer for it to show up in the
Deborah: hey yankees, welcome
etroup: Anyone know why JJJ aren’t playing it, or shouldn’t
I ask?
Deborah: JJJ played Only the Bones off
Ultrasound and didn’t want to risk repetion
etroup: JJJ avoid repetition?!
soozie: pooh bear..why arent you saying anything
lhucekb: saw you on saturday night…had a fucking ball you
were incredible but were you supposed to turn up when you did or were
you late?
Deborah: i was not late, it was their
fault at the venue
lhucekb: dont worry we were more than happy to blame the
venue as well…
Pooh_bear: i am a shy boy soozie
barry_bing: Deborah: It’s great to see you back in .au, how
have you found playing to melb audiences?
Pooh_bear: deb missed your concert in london as i was on
way to turkey two days before hand!
Pooh_bear: how did the concerts go over there
soozie: Deborah… much did play while in London.
Deborah: the shows in London were
Pooh_bear: u still there soozie
Mark: Staying in Oz for long?
Deborah: Mark, plans are fluid
soozie: Members of the Boonah Chapter of your fan club are
wondering whether you still have photo’s of their inaugural meeting
and hope you have blue taced them onto your fridge
Deborah: hey i remember you
Deborah: u turned up at that show at
Pooh_bear: soozie want be at the show in brissie
soozie: yes……life sometimes is embarassing..especially
when one wakes the next morning
lhucekb: stoopid question that i have been dieing to ask,
from “Bitch Epic” does “DCN # 348” stand for deborah conway’s
Deborah: of course it does.
Pooh_bear: soozie have u still got the bit of ham from kelly’s??
Deborah: what did you all think of the
underground lovers ?
Bryan: Deborah: Why “Only The Bones”?
Deborah: as a title or a single ?
Bryan: As a single.
Deborah: ask michael gudinski his
Bryan: OK… but then why did you choose to redo it on 3rd
Deborah: cos no one bought Ultrasound
Bryan: π I did. And then I turned up to your gig a week
later and you were bloody selling autographed copies… π
lhucekb: i did!!!!!!!!! i love “3 love” so much….its even
better in concert
Deborah: bryan, bring it to a gig and
we’ll personalise it and autograph it
Bryan: Will do. Thursday. π
soozie: Pooh bear I would love to do Brisbane show but I am
working in Malaysia….but I am hoisting 6 people to the Sydney show
….a sort of subgroup to the Boonah Chapter but based in Rose Bay
Mark: re staying is oz, special interest group of the willy
festival, any chance for jan ’98?
Deborah: mark, always happy to do the
will festival, will be large with child, you bring the hot water I’ll
bring the towels
Mark: I remember last time!
soozie: Deborah……how long do you think you will be
based in London
Deborah: here’s a scoop for you all…
Deborah: baby 2 is due on the same day as
baby one
Bryan: Makes birthday parties easier.
etroup: wow! time travel!
lhucekb: unreal!!! you gonna give him/her a cool name as
soozie: got any names ready for baby two
Deborah: re london, when they get rid of
daryl somers
lhucekb: you hate d. somers??? could you be more perfect???
Deborah: no name suggestions please
soozie: I always thought you and he had a perfect
Deborah: actually we were thinking about
calling the child daryl
Deborah: but we settled on Ozzie
Pooh_bear: some thing like Considerate Understanding
Nineties Type you once described bert newton as!!
lhucekb: i imagine Syd to have a personality and a
half…she a cool kid?
Deborah: yes
Deborah: maybe it was
Bryan: Deb: A question about the album. I felt ‘String of
Pearls’ and ‘Bitch Epic’ both had a definite theme to them, but not
so much 3rd Husband. Any comment on this?
soozie: Why did you write such different stuff in London
Deborah: times were hard
Deborah: what did you think the themes
were on the first two ?
Deborah: my 3rd husband’s themes are sex,
death, memory, and sex
Bryan: Well ‘String’ semes to have a lot about
relationships – and how they can go wrong. I think Bitch’s theme
speaks for itself.
Deborah: we had to live without Daryl,
without Kennett
Deborah: sometimes these things are more
evident after the fact
Veronica: Deborah, do you think you will ever release in
the US?
Deborah: god knows I’d love to
Veronica: it’s damn hard to get your cds over here
Deborah: we wait to see if someone is
brave enough to put it out
lhucekb: you gonna release a live cd like you did with
“Epic Theatre”? if so will it be available seperately as well?
Deborah: what about over the net
Veronica: expensive, but the only real option
Deborah: you mean contractual obligation
record ?
ronny: shipping from australia is expensive on top of over
priced australian cd prices.
Deborah: veronica, you need a pen
lhucekb: you have a definite market in the states, i have
mailed some to friends there and they loved it
Deborah: yankees, why are you awake ?
Veronica: What can I say, I’m a fan. 1:30am on a work night
is not too much π
Deborah: ooh, I am touched, have you ever
seen me play ?
Veronica: sadly, no.
Adorable saus hi ppl !
Adorable: hiya deborah how r u today ?
lhucekb: hey adorable…
Deborah: well, yourself ?
Adorable: i am well thanks
Adorable: can i ask you a question deborah ?
ronny: ditto
etroup: I loved the Club Buggery performance. Was that fun?
Deborah: club buggery, roy and hg are
very special people
Adorable: my dad has walked in and you know him
Adorable: his name is john and he works for festival in
Deborah: so who are you adorable
ronny: i’ve seen you twice. live at the wire performance
at the virgin mega store in melbourne (you signed a cd for me) and at
what i think was the cherry tree.
lhucekb: does it piss you off that annoying kennett lovers
like tina arena shudders get so much air play
Deborah: YES !!
Bryan: Any prospects of a future collaboration between you
and Tina?
etroup: does the pope wear a tall pointy hat?
Deborah: actually tina’s husband used to
manage me briefly
lhucekb: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but what about you and max
sharam?? i reckon that’d sound really cool
Deborah: max sharam, we don’t know each
Adorable: john said to say congratulations on the album it
has been getting some great reviews ! π
Deborah: oh good Deborah: you should all
write letters to Rolling Stone complaining about the appalling review
soozie: didn’t read it..what did it say….those arsehole’s
Deborah: we can’t bring ourselves to
repeat it
soozie: no problem
lhucekb: pity…you both have something real to say
Deborah: you stick your neck out, what do
you get ?
Deborah: did anyone see the underground
lovers ??
Adorable: no i would like to though
soozie: no
Adorable: what were they like ?
Deborah: we didn’t see them either
etroup: no, they haven’t played Parkes. We had Dragon,
Adorable: deborah what do u think of nikka costa ?
lhucekb: yea…we were there on saturday from 8:30…i was
with 2 non-fans… lets just say they are now
lhucekb: adorable…Who??
Adorable: nikka costa she is awesome !!
Deborah: haven’t heard her
Adorable: i thought u might have
Adorable: well i suggest u listen to her cd
Adorable: she is fantastic
Deborah: are you nikka costa ?
Adorable: no i am just a fan of nikka
soozie: what time are you coming on on Thursday
night……I have a friend flying in late and hopes not to miss you.
Deborah: ring the venue and then added an
hour (maybe not)
Adorable: so whos the producer on my third husband ?
Adorable: cos the name looks familar
Deborah: produced Fine Young Cannibals
Adorable: ok then thanks a lot π
Markimus: any more questions people ??
lhucekb: out of interest (ok i am nosey!!) what musicians
do you like?
Deborah: have you heard the blue moods of
spain record – totally sensational
soozie: Pooh bear I am out of here…..give your wifie a
big hug……see you Deborah
Adorable: when u r coming to adelaide deborah, do u know
off hand ?
Adorable: and do u know where u r playing ?
Deborah: 15, 16th Nov
ronny: why no DNC track on 3rd husband?
Deborah: there was going to be one…
Deborah: but we’re saving it for a b-side
lhucekb: how come only 10 songs??
Deborah: cos they’re so dense and I am
into short records at the moment.
Deborah: where is everyone from ?
barry_bing: melb
Adorable: Adelaide
ronny: san francisco
Bryan is from Sydney, and is miffed that we only get one gig!
Veronica: Oregon
AnthonyH: Better late than never… π
Deborah: we are coming back to Sydney at
the end, Newtown the globe and a few out of towners
lhucekb: who is they?? i dont know much about the music
industry…melb…saw you do a free concert in moonee ponds…it was
Deborah: i have no recollection of moonee
ponds, isn’t that where edna everidge comes from
lhucekb: yea…i think you called it essendon…you like
sucked up your snot into the mic and said “i know i’m tasteless” then
“still we are in essendon”
Deborah: was that with dave graney
AnthonyH: OK, who set the topic? π
Deborah has set the topic on channel
#Deborah to Ideal Christmas Present
AnthonyH: Much better Deborah…! Marketing is everything
Adorable: deborah i was listening to strings of pearls the
other day Adorable: and i read the cover
Adorable: it said u has like 4 producers and stuff y was
that ? couldnt find the right 1 ?
Deborah: no
Mark: Any more concerts planned for Melb, had the outlaws
last w/e
Deborah: continental acoustic
barry_bing: Deborah: Hate to harp on the past, but do you
do any/many DRM tracks during your shows?
Deborah: we are doing MOB
Deborah: were doing Adultery but wasn’t
cutting it
Deborah: maybe it was more of a hit in
barry_bing: no idiot grin?
Deborah: never like it much
barry_bing: =(
Adorable: god the lag is heaps bad !
Deborah: sorry to upset you
lhucekb: i cant tell if its lag or what
etroup: ahh, I’d love to see you sing Adultery, it’s one of
the best songs I’ve heard.
Deborah: really ? you don’t get out much
barry_bing: etroup: i’m listening to it now =)
Deborah: it’s hard to live with your past, one has to move
Adorable: so deborah what do u think of mushroom going to
sony ?
Adorable: has it been beneficial for u ?
Deborah: not so far
etroup: that is precisely correct.
Deborah: hwo did cuttlefish beach age ?
Deborah: computers are a wonderful thing
aren’t they ?
lhucekb: i dont know deborah how did cuttlefish beach age?
Veronica: maybe sony will have the balls to release in the
US, I think you’d be a big hit, huge. =)
Adorable: would u have preferred mushroom to stay with
festival then ?
lhucekb: do you go to irc rooms or bbs rooms much?
Deborah: veronica, you don’t run a record
company do you ?
Veronica: I wish
Deborah: irc, no
lhucekb: sony has mariah caery they dont need balls
Adorable: mariah caey sucks
Veronica: i just evangelise you at every opportunity. so
far it hasn’t gotten me too far.
Adorable: she only got somewhere cos she was shagging the
boss of sony music
lhucekb: thanx…you live up to your name adorable
Deborah: welcome anthony
AnthonyH: ISP number three, here’s hoping…
lhucekb: hey that could be a carrer move…sorry couldnt
AnthonyH: Hi Deborah, how’s the electronic world? π
Deborah: the typist leaves a lot to be
Adorable: i am off now
Adorable: cya deborah !
Deborah: bye adorable
Adorable: thanks for the chat !
Adorable: best of luck for the album
Adorable: i hope its a platinum/multi platinum smash cos u
deserve it π
Adorable: cya
Adorable: bye ppl !
AnthonyH: Ty png i s way o ver ra ted
Deborah: wa wa wa waa
lhucekb: so is speling
Bryan: Deb: Are you open to questions on religion, personal
beliefs etc?
Deborah: depends
AnthonyH: Deborah – my flatmate just asked me to mention
that he has plenty of spare Nutella (he’s been collecting the
Simpsons glasses and he is not kidding, there’s about fifteen jars of
the stuff here!)
Deborah: so what’s the question ?
Bryan: Well… you’re not exactly a stereotyped Melb Jewish
girl. I was just wondering whether you do feel ties to the Jewish
community etc, or if its really not part of your life.
Deborah: should I come over, I need about
15 jars now
AnthonyH: All yours π
lhucekb: i saw you on “good news week” you looked ummmm….
Deborah: bryan, are you a nice jewish boy
Bryan: I try to be. :-p
Deborah: i know when the holidays
somedays I even do shabbas dinner Deborah: but it is a problem when
you don’t believe in god
AnthonyH: Deborah – how did the POW crowd take to the new
songs on the weekend?
Deborah: like pigs to poo
Deborah: saturday show was sublime
AnthonyH: (Anthony files yet another potential album title)
Deborah: it’s a gift I have anthony
AnthonyH: No Hallam show, though? (Forgive me if I’m
covering already-covered ground)
Deborah: hope you weren’t there
lhucekb: that was my doing!!! laughs like crazy
ronny: why were you asking about Underground Lovers? did
they open for you?
Deborah: yes
AnthonyH: No, luckily the Thursday show happened, which was
a nice surprise in itself
Markimus: have you all run out of questions, surely not
AnthonyH: Ah, how IRC has changed. There’s no escaping junk
mail. :_)
lhucekb: was Hallam not so good?
Deborah: hallam was not at all
Deborah: couldn’t find it
AnthonyH: It’s over there somewhere, on the…circumference
Deborah: melbourne is a big town and we
must jetison off into the night
lhucekb: im fuckin glad i didnt go then…although i might
have seen you instead
barry_bing: you can’t get there on a zone 1 ticket
Deborah: final questions chaps
Bryan: Another 3-4 yrs before the next album?
Deborah: no way jose
AnthonyH: Are the Continental dates locked in yet?
Deborah: yes to anthony
lhucekb: doing any movies?
Deborah: there was one but it was about
Deborah: being hounded by the paparazzi
somehow i doubt it’s going to be released
barry_bing: Deborah – It’s been a pleasure having you on my
screen, Thank You!
Mark: what are the dates (apart from those on
lhucekb: getting kicked outta latrobe myself….i really
love your music deborah thanks heaps for having talent and a
Veronica: Goodnight (morning) Deborah and Markimus. I am
sure that I will hear more of your music (just not as soon as others
:/ ) as I do have an Aussie pen pal, but I still want you to release
here, you are sensational.
lhucekb: quit
lhucekb: opps heehee
ronny: san francisco is an even bigger town but i’m going
to sleep. bye and thanks deborah.
Deborah: lots of love
Deborah: see ya
Veronica: good to ‘see’ you
Deborah has left channel #Deborah
AnthonyH: Bye Deborah, nice to briefly type at you
barry_bing: bye all thanks for coming!
AnthonyH: Hold that thought
barry_bing: c’ya Anthony
AnthonyH: And remember, whereever you go, there you are.
AnthonyH: π etroup: well, looks like I have to go and
watch Stewie Littlemore now, too.
barry_bing: me too
AnthonyH: I’m going to try harder to figure out the new
Kylie Minogue album…
Markimus: bye all, goodnight we’ll do this again soon
Bryan: Thanks for organising it, Markimus.
barry_bing: l8r
etroup: and buy 10 copies of the cd.
AnthonyH: We should, and next time, I’m getting a decent
ISP account!
Log file closed at: 27/10/97 9:10:08 PM