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The Writing’s On The Wall

Throw them overboard
Loose the safety cord
All my deep beliefs
My ballast in this life
Has weighed me like a chain and ball and kept me pinned to certainties long gone
And the writing’s on the wall

Sold my soul today
Got a pocketful of change
Almost what it’s worth
On current currency exchange
My prayer went up to G-d, where’s my love, my fame, my talent that should have come from up above?
All I get is writing on the wall

It’s started getting cold
I can see my breath like smoke
It reminds me of New York
When you used to love me back
And we’d walk and talk for hours through those graffitied streets and the giant holes that once were world trade towers
We never saw the writing on the wall

I am numbered, I am weighed, I am found to be wanting –
In the balance I am lame and insensitive to other people’s pain

Back in 6BC
There was a conqueror’s feast
Where Belshazzar held court
Amongst one thousand lords
They drank from stolen cups toasting their false gods until that disembodied claw
Put the writing on the wall

He thought he had it all
Just pride before the fall…