The support act for this gig were Paul Hester’s Largest Living Things. They warmed up the crowd with a short set including one Crowded House song (kare kare) and his claim to be Deborah’s first husband, a claim she later described as “wishful thinking”.
Deborah and Willy were joined on stage by drummer Tony Floyd for their performance. The show had a more relaxed air to it with all three seated for most of the time. Fans were just spoiled in this show. Lots of songs from the new album along with rarely heard favourites She Prefers Fire, Today I am a Daisy, White Roses, and Born Once (sung by both DC and WZ).
Deborah seemed relaxed and was very chatty about all sort of nonsense. She asked for suggestions to replace Cary Grant (in It’s Only the Beginning), and found no-one up to the task although Adam Ant and a young Harrison Ford were contenders.
A classic show.
Continental Cafe, 29 Nov 1997
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