The Dan O’Connell, 25 Feb 1999

I was one amongst a few dedicated (or fanatical) bitchers to attend the final City of Women show (for the moment) at the Dan last night.
In my opinion it was one of the best shows. The sound was good throughout and the band really seemed to have it together.
The playlist was a good one. Most of the regular songs with Happy New Year and Turn thrown in. Glory Ordinary Day was missing, but you can’t have it all heh?
There was a larger crowd then over the last few weeks – maybe the word is spreading. I believe one joker was even doing the rounds of the crowd try to get a few more bitchers on the list. :-)…..
As Cameron said last night, it was a bit sad that we don’t know when how or where we will hear the new songs again. Our offer of a bribe to the soundman for a copy of last weeks recordings was countered by DC who pays his wages. Oh well, we tried!!!
A whisper from Willy may have included something about the new songs being recorded in April for a possible Aug/Sep release. How am I going to wait that long?????? Some of the lyrics are already on high rotation in my head.

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