Upcoming Gigs

72 thoughts on “Upcoming Gigs

  1. David

    Unfortunately can’t see Deb this time around as you have sold out , can you advise when you will be returning to Sydney later in the year ?

  2. Karen Larkin

    Are you coming to Margaret River in the future ?
    Best concert ever _your last one in our town

  3. Jeremy Curnock Cook

    In Melbourne for a few weeks, then in London for May. Finally, in France in July where the village square in Flaugnac would make a perfect concert venue and you’d be welcome to stay, and the summer nights are warm. Finally back to MELBOURNE in September. Any planned or unplanned gigs that might match?

  4. Kathryn Healy

    We are Aussie fans currently living in Berlin! Will be back in Sydney in November for a couple of weeks so hoping my trip corresponds with your Sydney gig! If not, you’d love the Berlin music scene and they would love you!

  5. admin

    Not that I know of, but stay tuned, all my gigs get listed on this website and also on Facebook & Bands In Town

  6. admin

    We’ve been trying to get it happening for a long time but no luck so far. We’ll keep trying

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